
In space there's no way "up".

Take a short astronaut training course to understand your personal reference points. Then we'll turn them upside down as we transport you to the International Space Station.

Summary of Experience

Space Academy is comprised of four distinctly different simulated experiences which emulate three stages of preparation for a space-flight, followed by the intense personal experience of floating above "home" at 17,000 miles an hour as the ISS is constructed around you.

The theme running throughout the content of Space Academy is that amazing and fascinating things happen in space. Weightlessness confuses a human being. We like to refer to "up" and "down" - expressions that only have relevance in relation to gravity. As we experience the personal problems associated with micro-gravity ("where did I put my toothbrush" gains a whole new range of possible answers) we come to understand that this lack of reference is the very reason why man goes into space. In micro-gravity we can study processes that are normally masked by gravity driven forces:-

But Space Academy is fun. It's not about complex science. It simply lets you experience some of the odd results of weightlessness at first hand.

The seven main zones of Space Academy are entitled:-

First the audience watch an Introduction Film narrated by local astronaut, Pedro Duque, before moving into The Laboratory Module.
They will then move to the laboratory module for a six minute light and sound show as Pedro sends instructions from the control room.
They then board the Crew Return Vehicle Simulator.

At the end of the experience there is an opportunity to learn more about all the little details of an ISS astronaut's life in the Exit Exhibition.

Our guests then experience the Launch Lift before walking across the Skybridge ...
... and into the White Room.